
Waco Reporter

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Hill County Schools: Hillsboro Elementary School welcomed most students in 2021-22 school year

Hillsboro Elementary School had the highest enrollment among Hill County schools, welcoming 679 students during the 2021-22 academic year, according to the Texas Education Agency report.

Of all the students welcomed in the 2021-22 school year, 51.3% of them were boys, and 48.7% were girls.

Data also showed that the majority of students were Hispanic, representing 58.3% of the Hillsboro Elementary School total enrollment.

Among the 21 schools in Hill County, Hillsboro High School ranked second in enrollment numbers with 570 students, while Whitney High School welcomed 425 students and ranked third in the 2021-22 school year.

Hillsboro Elementary School is a part of Pineywoods Community Academy, which roughly covers schools within Hill County with its main office in Livingston.

In the previous school year, Hillsboro High School had the highest number of students among Hill County schools.

The Texas education system is currently torn between public schools and taxpayer-funded private schools.

Critics argue that private schools use funds that should go to the public school system, while private school advocates claim they’re offering better education for more Texas students.

Education in Texas is often a hot button issue, especially as test scores lag behind other states.

“The problems commonly cited are flaws in the school financing system, relatively low teacher salary, poor test performance by students, dropouts from traditional schools in favor of charter schools, gun violence, and mental health issues,” claimed the Texas Almanac.

Enrollment in Hillsboro Elementary School Over 1 Year

Enrollment in Hill County Schools During 2021-22 School Year

School NameCityTotal School Enrollment
Hillsboro Elementary SchoolLivingston679
Hillsboro High SchoolHillsboro570
Whitney High SchoolWhitney425
Whitney Elementary SchoolWhitney403
Hillsboro Intermediate SchoolHillsboro392
Whitney Middle SchoolWhitney349
Blum ISDBlum344
Aquilla SchoolAquilla334
Covington SchoolCovington302
Whitney Intermediate SchoolWhitney300
Itasca Elementary SchoolItasca298
Hillsboro Junior High SchoolHillsboro291
Abbott SchoolAbbott283
Hubbard High SchoolHubbard222
Hubbard Elementary SchoolHubbard218
Penelope SchoolPenelope199
Mount Calm ISDMount Calm192
Itasca High SchoolItasca186
Bynum SchoolBynum181
Malone Elementary SchoolMalone153
Itasca Middle SchoolItasca144